Joel Neild Joel Neild


To be sparing with words is what comes naturally.

And so,

A blustery wind does not last all morning;

A heavy downpour does not last all day…

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Joel Neild Joel Neild


He who has mastered the true nature of life does not labor over what life cannot do. He who has mastered the true nature of fate does not labor over what knowledge cannot change…

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Joel Neild Joel Neild


The Way of Heaven takes from what has excess and augments what is deficient.

The Way of human beings is not like this…

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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Words are like the wind and waves. Actions fulfill or disappoint them…

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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Plan for what is difficult while it is easy.

Work at what is great while it is small…


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Huizi, Zhuangzi’s friend, tells Zhuangzi that he was given a seed that grew into an enormous gourd, too flimsy to fill with liquid, and too large to cut and use as a dipper…


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Knowing that is a matter of believing in linguistic claims with rational justification. Knowing how is a matter of ability…


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


We alone do not spontaneously follow the Way. In fact, we actually spend our entire lives battling against flux and transformation: we declare our opinions to be right (and others indisputably wrong)…


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Physical force can only win physical obedience, which is superficial precisely because it does not touch the true, inner, conscious locus of the person.


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


Just as a tree is mutilated by a human’s axe, so is everything natural mutilated by self-conscious human desires.


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Joel Neild Joel Neild

Social Interaction

In reality, we are not autonomous, self-sufficient, purely rational individuals but emotional pack animals, intimately dependent on other human beings at every stage of our lives… #DailyDao

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Joel Neild Joel Neild


To see things from the perspective of Dao is to understand that the world is not an amorphous and undifferentiated flat plane but an unbounded plurality.


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Joel Neild Joel Neild


A military victory is not a thing of beauty. To beautify victory is to delight in the slaughter of human beings. One who delights in the slaughter of human beings will not realize his ambitions in the world.


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Joel Neild Joel Neild

Falling Stars

When stars fall or trees groan, the whole state is terrified. They ask what caused this to happen. I reply that there was no specific reason…


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